POB Pilates
POB Pilates
- Joseph Pilates -
Looking for Pilates in Kwun Tong, Kowloon? We offer the very best Pilates and Therapeutic Exercise in Kwun Tong. We were one of the very first pilates studio in Kwun Tong district since 2014. As an independently operating pilates studio, we have been providing instructor training course for ATFP, Australia Training for Fitness Professional, we offer different workout level, from office worker planning to start an exercise habits to amateur athletes to improve performance and body condition, up to continuously improving for professional personal instructor. Experience a refreshment of body-mind connection and trigger the energy from deep inside the spine.
Get one-to-one trial section to understand your body through pilates.
We are experienced in handling spine and pelvis problems and the pain that link to the problem for example knee pain, shoulder injury etc.
Pilates Studio are getting popular in Hong Kong, however we are the first Therapeutic oriented Pilates Studio in the Kowloon side. Base on the human engineering and anatomy theory, with the use of Reformer* we trigger your energy from the very deep core. Through regulating the basic movement of spine and pelvis, we enhance your body to fix the structural problem itself, while improving the posture and cure the pain.
*Reformer is one of the Pilates equipment that invented by Joseph Pilates, It guides your body to activate the core and let the energy of the core to flow along the body. Practicing with Reformer, once you master the flow of energy, structural problem is fixed.
All the Reformer and Pilates Equipment from POB are imported from Balanced Body, USA.
*PILATES專用儀器,REFORMER,就是可以一邊做支撐,一邊穩定身體的部位,令身體原本不會常常意識到的深層肌肉,都可以很容易的集中訓練到。在觀塘,以reformer 為主的工作室只有我們POB。針對現代忙碌的都市人,我們準備了不同強度並且有目的性的訓練。
REFORMER 是通過施加適當的壓力,進而讓身體做出正確的姿勢,這就是普拉提斯專用的器材。本工作室使用的所有器材,全部都是從美國BALANCED BODY公司直接購入。該公司擁有40年PILATES器材開發和製造的歷史。
Core Engaging + Therapeutic Exercise
核心肌肉訓練 + 運動矯治
伸展脊椎 強化盤骨
消除。預防 肩頸腰背痛
平衡治療是人體醫學下自然療法的一種 時下流行的YIN瑜伽正是由平衡治療演化出來
平衡治療 以回復從前的身體功能而作出被動式伸展運動,以靜態姿勢調整作為主要治療方法,當能量恢復時便應以運動身體來提昇健康
在平衡治療中,強調讓身體盡量放鬆或被動伸展肌肉,從而牽動深層結締組織, 讓舊患停滯的能量獲得釋放,疏導過期能量,才能讓潔淨能源進入救援地帶,進行治癒補給, 過去中加速副交感神經系統反饋作用,並藉由放鬆身體肌肉,釋放我們累積在體內的壓力,達到療癒康復的功效,回到自然!
澳洲體適能專業教練學院(ATFP)是澳洲註冊認可培訓專業體適能教練機構。我們一向致力推動全民終生運動,我們的任務是提供各種體適能教練培訓的機會,從而提高在職人士的個人、專業和事業上的發展。現時ATFP學院是唯一一所可以在亞太平洋洲區頒授Fitball,SkitFit TaiChi-FITBall 業教練證書的教育組織。
ATFP學院的另一個重要優勢是澳洲政府部門認可及獲授權的培訓機構,發出澳洲體適能全科教練證書(Certificate III in Fitness),獲取之學員可在澳洲本土擔任教練工作。且頒授之證書為國際英聯邦53個國家英國、加拿大、紐西蘭,等認可。
ATFP學院於1999年在香港引進及推廣澳大利亞嶄新之FITBALL運動用品及訓練課程,時至今天Fitball已於澳大利亞及亞洲各國被廣泛用作為健身用途及物理治療的輔助工具,亦同時發展成超過18種不同教練課程及培訓教練課程,我們是罕有的教學團體兼具擁有國際專利運動用品之教育組織。多年與香港物理治療師協會,YMCA,遊樂場協會,循道衛理中心,業餘進修中心,觀塘職業訓練中心,港專,明愛中心舉辦不同教練課程及最新運動工作研討坊。FITBALL運動治療產品受QE,廣華醫院,山頂醫院,養和醫院,九龍醫院,威爾斯親王醫院,仁濟醫院及大小物理治療診所採用,亦列入醫管局認可之運動用品提供名冊內。從2002年至今,受中國國家體育總局轄下中國健美操協會每年邀請合辦多項不同教練課程項目培訓,在國內25處大城市大小型健身俱樂部舉辦不同教練課程超 過300多次.
Every people has a different body condition, in order to provide a customised solution for our client, we start with a 1 to 1 trial section. It allows our instructor to understand your situation preciously while at the same time giving you a chance to experience how we communicate with your body to fix your issue.
Pilates is more than just a set of training routine or way of workout, it is a method to enhance the flow of force in your spine and pelvis. Like Yoga or TaiChi, your mind regulate the flow of force and energy through the movement.
Base on your body reaction, our instructor will suggest you the most effective way to start your Therapeutic Pilates workout.
1 to 1 (55 mins per section)
Suitable for people with significant issue to fix and during the trial section, they need support from instructor most of the time to regulate the movement correctly.
1 to 2 (55 mins per section)
Suitable for people without serious structural problem, but still need instructor assistant to trigger the force during movement.
Instructor will group people that are at similar level as training partner.
由於每個人身體都有差異,所以會以一對一試堂開始,按照學生的傷患,姿勢問題,發力情況, 評估學生需要教練輔助的程度安排一對一,一對二,或是小班教學的模式。
一對一課程 (一堂約55分鐘)
一對二的課程 (一堂約55分鐘)
小班教學 最多六個人 (一堂約55分鐘)
1 to 1
HKD9600 (PER 10 CLASS)
*55 mins each section
1 to 2
*55 mins each section
Trial Section
*30 mins
Our Address:
Joint Venture Factory Building,
76 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, HK.
觀塘 鴻圖道76號 聯運工業大廈
Tel: 2757 1733
Whatsapp: 9322 2001 (Clive)
Email: clive@pob.com.hk